Contemporary Rhyme
About this Publication
Contemporary Rhyme is an e-journal that seeks to highlight current achievements in
this difficult but remarkable art form. Text files are in pdf format. Sound files are in
mp3 format. You must have Adobe Reader to view the texts and RealPlayer is
recommended for audio playback.
What Does Contemporary Rhyme Publish?
- Rhymed poetry only
- Reviews of books of rhymed poetry
- New and experienced writers are welcome
- No restrictions on content
Much of the greatest poetry in the English language is rhymed poetry. Rhymed
poetry, when done well, possesses a music and magic of language that free verse
cannot duplicate.
How to Support this Publication
All texts and recordings at Contemporary Rhyme are available free of charge. We
ask that you support this publication by spreading the word about it. If you are an
English professor, tell your students about it. If you are a student, tell your English
professors about it.
Contemporary Rhyme